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Sunday, October 27, 2013

My LONG LONG journey travelling

After my Form 6 graduated,
i just feel like i keep on go for vacation with all my friends,
For example,

Pulau Redang,
with all my form 5 classmates.
no more girls willing to come Redang with me,
so i need to ask my best friend , Karen who not that close with them to join with us.
SOMEONE FFK before the date of Redang trip,
then we forced to call someone else to join us and replace HIM!!!..
we all contact Karen 2 days before we depart to Redang.
Karen immediately put down all her works and take emergency leave and go with us.
Its really
touch when she did it and able to join us.
Although she not that close with all my guys friends,
but we still had a nice days for that few days.

 i am here to say 

THANK YOU to Karen .
Friendship FOREVER !!!


I think this is first time we drive to Malacca, 
and that time our driver are Daniel and Raymond  and Poh Leong  as well
One day, i forgot who planning go for Malacca
then we all 'sot jor tiu gan' ,
drive to MALACCA!!!
We enjoyed our crepe over there,
and the thing i MOST remember is 
we only order 2 or 3 slides of cake 
We so much people, 
ONLY ordered so few cakes.
sound like TSK!!!

BTW, its passed!!
and no one knew us at all.
so just forget about it.XD

FUN, JOY, LAUGH, bla bla bla..

This is the first time for SAKAI GROUP to go for vacation.
our original planning is
we 5 girls go together,
but at last ,we join Jacqueline's bf gang to go for vacation.
Its a bit awkward when we first join them to go for MALACCA~~
because we all don't know each others.(i means girls toward all the guys)
during the journey to A Famosa
we all just like silent bird inside the car.
no people willing to chat ,
or even if we chat,we also only can whisper chat.
just scared to disturb other.. =.=
Our destination is A FAMOSA this time.
As we know, we go A Famosa normally is go for the water park.
someone who scared of water is coming with us,
SHE not dare to join some of the water activities. 
so she forced to take care of our belongings for us.
sorry to say that, you really wasted alot of money .. haiz
After this trip, 
A vacation gang formed.
total 9 members here.

Kelantan (Vacation gang 2)
Because of we keep on adding member to VACATION GANG,
so our vacation gang need to named to
member added 3 members = 12 members 
i think they want to balance the number of guys and girls,
so now Vacation gang 2 required 6 guys and 6 girls.~~~

This time our destination is Carribbean , Kelantan.
Here involved water activities and land activities as well.
Our QUEEN still helped us to take care of our belongings 
and be camera girl~~ XD
so nice~~
but luckily here got the motorcar which named .... FORGOT!!!..
we ride the motorcar as well.
and our queen also joined.
seen weird when we 3 people wearing HELANG t shirt. hahaha...
Every time we came out for vacation,
its sure had some joke around us .
or some
'loong sui' thing.
maybe some we had the long last memory .
if its really hurting someone .
sorry about it. ^^

Johor (Vacation Gang 3)
Wow, its seen like BIG GROUP again!!!!!
Vacation GANG 3 now!! 
New member added and our gang became much more bigger and BIGGER.
If we outgoing with this number of members,
sure all those restaurants hard to arrange place or seat for us,
since it is 15 members here but one of the member absent for this trip.
SO SAD!!! :(
BTW, in this trip, it's a bit different from our previous trip,
because we 'gathering' with all those 'friends' more .(goats, cows ,and etc)
In this farm, we are allow to join a game.
(The game is we need to chase the goats inside the certain area,
and ride on the goat,
5 members in 1 group
and we all take turn to play the game.
just like few crazy fellow chasing the goats without any reason.
if we won the game, we will get a medal .) 

But as i know, the girl group is most clever group,
because we know use food to attract the intention of the goat.. XP
and we did tried our first archery session here.

We not really satisfied for the 'hostel' they provided for us ,
so we went to the town and rent a nicer hotel in the town.

This is just 2 days 1 night trip,
so we didn't play much on it.
 actually this trip we quite rush on it,
but no choices, we all need to go back to our original workplace or study place.
BUT i confirm we will come back again .^^just waiting for the time~~
These are the quote that i saw in the farm souvenirs shop ..

Genting Highland
When we having our yearly gathering before the Chinese new Year,
we all decided want to go for Genting for 1 day trip,
since we all got free time during the CNY holiday.
the problem is coming,
who is going to drive to GENTING???
In the end , Jennie's parent are coming with us.
Her dad and Chee How been the driver~~
cause Chee How had experience on it.
The weather there is really cold for me,
how wish we can have a hot coffee in front of us.
we went Starbucks Genting which people said it's the place we must to go when going to Genting.
I don't know why people said like that,
maybe it is the Marketing strategy for Starbuck to earn money.
(just my own perception)
We all went Genting for N times,
planned to go for the theme park, 
but it seen like not worth on it 
because we reached there in the afternoon,
played few hours then need to leave.
so better don't waste the money on it.
We rather waste all our money on our food.
As i know, Genting outdoor theme park is having revolution on it,
and it might reopen on 2015 if not mistaken.
So wait us on 2015 .

Cameron Highland,

Just a CRAZY PLAN for us to go for CAMERON HIGHLAND for 2 days 1 night  
One day, i received Rainbow's message asked me whether wanna go for Cameron during weekend with TEA (friend's nickname) with her bf and her bf's friend. Since we all do nothing in kampar, so i just followed them for the crazy plan. But the most crazy thing is the driver is the youngest guy among us and we all got the licenses but without drive to cameron because scared of it. So far, our driver, JOE drive carefully along the journey. THANKS GOD and JOE!! 
Before we heading to Cameron, we went Ipoh to had our brunch in DaoRae Korean BBQ Restaurant. Long time didn't enjoy my korean bbq food, its really so nice and TASTY~~ Hope to go for the second times. (drooling) 
After that, sure is our shopping time in AEON Ipoh. Girls and guys shopping separately because when they following us when we shopping, sure they will say something like ''this skirt not nice!!'' "Don't buy this, just waste money". To prevent all these thing happen, we suggested to shopping separately to enjoy our girl's  private time. =)
Around 5pm, we depart to Cameron cause want rush to the pasar malam in Cameron. Heard that there got a lot cheap fruits or  vegetables for us especially STRAWBERRY~~~Strawberry normally is girls' favorite included me.. =P
We did saw few stalls in pasar malam which selling strawberry. Once we reached, we couldn't control ourselves to buy the strawberry without comparing the market price. It's really cheap, 3 big plastic box for only RM10. How could we stand for it? Just take out our wallet and pay only ~~ Besides that, we saw someone selling the bee wax and honey. It's just special for us. The bee wax is full with honey inside it and we need to chew the bee wax only can taste the honey. We addicted on it. just feel want to buy home for the bee wax but not the honey. =)
bee wax

bee wax that cut into pieces

strawberries, fruits and vegetables that we bought in pasar malam

It's fantastic for us to enjoy our steamboat session in Cameron Highland, cold weather there. Some more its nearly midnight. Must try when you all go to Cameron. STEAMBOAT IN THE NIGHT!!!How to sleep in cold weather? so we had a TRUE OR DARE sessions. We all just like no secrets after the true or dare sessions. but we do suspect what others said. cause just like cheating all of us. 

Opps , i am sorry to recommend you all my new friend , AH YIEH~~ he is the first day to know us ,but after all these, we just like long known friend because we knew some of his secrets as well. (Sly)
Second day, we still buying strawberry in the pasar pagi and the strawberry we bought in pasar malam, we almost finished all in the night. Can't believe that we can finished all those and we not only buy 3 boxes but more than 10 boxes. At the end, we bought again more than 20 boxes strawberry back kampar as souvenirs for our friends.
We did visit the lavender farm ,  this place full of lavender and it is a romantic place for couple to take their wedding photos. Just a suggestion for you all .^^
Lavender Farm

cactus farm

A memorable trip as well.


I don't know whether got any crazy people as me will go for Singapore for 1 day trip or not. Yup , i am following my mum and all those aunties went for Singapore for 1 day casino trip. 2 days before the Singapore trip, i called mum and she told me she is going to Singapore and asked me whether free or not.
If free then follow her go to Singapore since i have my own international passport. Sure i want to go,because when go travel with parent, i no need bring my own money there. =P
I purposely rush back from Kampar to Serdang just for the Singapore trip. Before that, sure i contact with my friends who working in Singapore see whether they got time to meet up in SG or not.Unfortunately, MY JENNIE said she can't take leave =( But i still got another friend who working in SG, AUSTIN PECK~~
We depart from our house around 5am in the morning, and we need more than 5 hours journey to reach to SG. During the journey to SG, i just hug my own bag as pillow and sleep all along the journey. =P
When we almost reach there ,i need to contact Austin who take leave purposely for me to pick me up in Casino Genting because when i reached SG, i couldn't contact with him even i have own hand phone because i forgot to reload for my phone.=.= So he forced to wait me near the main door in front of casino.
The only rules that the tour guide for us is we all need to have a SG Genting member card. I don't know how to gamble ,why i need to apply on it. At last, i still forced to apply on it because we will get some 'benefits' after apply for the member. 
Since i am a visitor to SG, so he brought me go Bugis Street to have our lunch and shopping there.The environment in SG is totally different with MALAYSIA. When we went to a different place, our perception toward the environment will automatically changed and just feel that its perfect place for us to stay if compare with our own staying place. People here are much more polite, clean, efficiency and effectively. Just can give them a LIKE for the place. 
Here, i should praise for my friend, Austin because he is really a nice, patient and caring guy. Why i said so? Because he could realize that my toes is hurt and he advise me not to walk that fast then he went to the convenience shop to buy me plaster.

 Thank You for ALL  you did for me. I appreciate it. 
After we enjoy our shopping session, he bring me back to casino to meet with my mum and those aunties. When i met my mum, sure the only question i will ask her is '' Got win from the gamble?''. Unfortunately ,she said she lose for it. She left some SG dollar and asked me to win back her lose for her. ''Hey mum, i not professional gambler , i don't even how to gamble, don't let me lose all your money ~~!!''
At this time ,Austin said he can teach me and few of us go to a lottery machine and try for our LUCK~~
Too bad, God of luck not with me that day.But someone helped my mum to win back all her lose then my mum super LIKE him at that time. XD (maybe only the moment he helped her to win back her money.)
Around 5pm, we depart back Malaysia and Austin go back to his place as well.
Thanks again to my tour guide on that day and your present ^^
(这个世界是充满谣言的地方, 别人就是不能容忍你们有那么好的朋友,所以他们就会制造一些谣言来诋毁你们,其实我们就只是朋友,所以说宁得罪君子,莫得罪小人,尤其是AUNTIES~~~)

Phuket Thailand
Tutti Frutti gang planned for the oversea trip for a long time, finally it is here.
One day in April 2012, Daniel , Andrew, Raymond and Kok Wai gather together and discuss for the trip , and at that time, AirAsia having their promotion on the flight to Phuket, Thailand. Then this 4 crazy guys straight call me and ask whether i want to join for the trip or not, if yes, then they will book for the airline ticket ON THE SPOT!!!
OMG!! I where got time to prepare for all those ?and i need to ask my friends' opinion as well. Then i quickly contact Susan and Karen who are working on that day, ask them give me an answer immediately because my BOSS are keep calling me and asking me for the answer. They both promised to go for the trip with me after contact with their parent. So the  4 Boss immediately book for the airline tickets for us and the date for the trip is on May 2013.(5 days 4 nights)

Its a crazy trip again without any planning and tour guide on it. Our Boss + secretary +Manager + worker for the trip, DANIEL CHYE had been did a lot of research ,asked thousands of opinions from his friend and his family , look through all the travel forum, and etc just for the trip. We are here to say
 THANK YOU to you 
and we really had a lot fun along this trip. Appreciate it.
Before the date we go Phuket, we all came out for meeting about the schedule in Phuket. Cause of the problem that occur when they booked for the airline ticket, we all forced to be in different airplane which the 4 guys will be in morning plane while 3 girls will be in afternoon plane.

Daniel explained all the steps to us before we go to the airport because 3 of us also first time taking airplane alone without any guidance. On that day ,when Daniel and the other 3 guys reached for the airport, they did took us photo and told us how to check in luggage those. ALL the steps wrote for us detailed to prevent we make any mistakes on it. ( I don't like people saying my bad words behind me, i remember someone keep say my bad words behind me said i super stupid and cant manage to reach to Phuket without his help. i will remember it FOREVER and want u pay double back for me)   

Just feel that we 3 are brave girls, because we just taking public transport early in the morning just to prove that we 3 are talented to travel around without guidance. Couldn't believe we did it.
From KTM SERDANG -->KL Central --> taking LCCT bus--> LCCT airport--> Thailand Airport --> hotel van --> Phuket.

But along the journey, we did ask stranger for for the way to reach to our destination since we are newbie. =P
Finally we on board i our plane (AK 1926). I am so exited when i in the airplane but it is opposite to my friend, Susan. She fear to get into the plane and she just close her eyes and sleep along the journey although just 1 hours journey for us. She is really cute on that time. One hour passed and we reached Thailand Airport. We are finding the hotel worker who taking the signboard of C&N Hotel but they not only wrote the hotel name. They wrote my name as well. MR .YONG SUK YEE!!!!!!!!!! Why my name seen like a guy name ? Damn!!!

3 pretty girls in the house and taking her group photo in hotel.
Ya, We reached our hotel and meet up with those guys who reach earlier than me. The 4 stupid guys went walk around the whole Patong, just want to get a cheaper and nicer tour guide for us along these few days. At last we choose our own hotel tour guide since they can offer us a price which comfortable for us. We paid 5000 thai batt for the packages which included PHI PHI ISLAND (full of memories for me), Coral Island( Sea Walker,Para-sailing, Banana Boat,Snorkeling) and White water rafting and sport adventure day trip( Water Rafting, Flying Fox,ATV, elephant riding).
We got to have our own private time on the first day. We went 7-11 in Thailand which totally different with Malaysia's 7-11. We bought a lot of snacks and drinks as well. Chang BEER is one of the drink that we bought from 7-11~~
Thai Beer

My first meal in Phuket, Thailand

Too free to disturb him in the room

The drinks that provided for us in the room but all need to pay.. =.=

On the second day, we wake early just start for our days to all those 7 islands in Phuket after our breakfast in hotel restaurant. One of the 7 islands which we had visited is 
The only island i remember out of 7 Islands because i HAD VOMIT more than 10 times along the journey to this island. If i never remember this name, i think that time i might memory losing and please get someone to help me remember of it. I think i can break the world record because vomit so much time in A DAY!!!!
I am here to sorry to the tour guide on that day and all the visitors who same boat with me on that particular days. Its not my wishes to fear of riding the boat to all these islands. I couldn't understand why this time i will vomit like HELL along the journey. It's totally different when i ride boat to Redang previously. On that day , we almost spent our whole day on the boat and the wave on that day is huge, make the boat almost can't manage to balance the boat. Luckily we had an experienced boat driver , if not we all wont be here anymore. Thanks God~~~
2nd Day~~~~

water rafting

When you guys have a chances to play these 3 activities, you all must try on it.
Its really FUN but abit dangerous.
because got 1 boat people fall into the river , and luckily we all pull them up to our boat ,
if not accident sure happened!!

and etc
No wonder i always worried about where my saving went.
Now finally i remember all of it.
Although its really spent me a lot of money,
but at least we all enjoyed on it and 
spend our memorable moment together.

I do really enjoy my days with you all,
so hope we all still have chances to travelling around the world.
if our 
''wallet'' allow us to do so. =)

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